Monday, August 10, 2009

online survey not functioning

I tried to do the online survey,but got this message...

Survey Is Not Live

Sorry, but the survey 'ESC 1 Learning 2.0: 23 Things' is not currently live, so you cannot take it at this time.

If you believe you received this message in error, please contact the survey adminstrator:

Week 9, Thing #23

I'm finished!!! I have to admit that after I had initially signed up back in May I had second thoughts and was thinking that I had gotten in over my head, so I made alternate plans and signed up for other workshops to get my required EQ hours. However, upon returning from vacation on July 15th, having attended a one day conference in Chicago titled, "Do Hard Things" I decided that I needed to do "23 Things" to prove to myself that I could accomplish it. So, I started on July 23rd and completed everything in just over two weeks! I found the course to be easier than I had originally thought it would be. The tools that we explored were all very user friendly and the Discovery activities were not overwhelming, but rather very manageable. I learned ALOT. There is so much out there that can be used to make the educational experience a bit more fun and engaging for our students.(You can use this one for my one sentence summary)

Some thoughts on how to improve. I noticed that some of the links listed for us to check out were no longer active (I noted this on some of my blog posts).

Thanks for the experience!

Week 9, Thing #22

WOW!!!! What an amazing undertaking! It is really incredible the amount of information that is available on the internet. I noticed that Project Gutenburg has many of the classics available. This could be helpful to our PRE-AP and AP students who have to read several of these books for required summer reading. I also found Common Sense by Thomas Payne, which I just finished reading a week or so ago. I could have got it for FREE!!! What a great collaborative project the World Public Library is.

Week 9, Thing #21

I found a podcast in the podcastalley directory called Teenlibrarian ( is for librarians whose clients are teenagers, so I added it to my bloglines account. There were some examples on the educational directory that had many podcasts from schools of all levels that gave a good idea of ways podcasts can be used in schools. I know at my school the ESL teachers were sent to Podcast training last Spring, and I think a second workshop this summer, so they could incorporate the use of podcasting into 2nd language learning for our Newcomers class. Hopefully, I will be involved in that! In the library I could make podcasts of book reviews for students to access. I could also do short podcasts on important things like copyright policy.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Week 9, Thing 20 continued

Week 9, Thing #20

YouTube has some awesome videos on it! A person could spend their whole summer just watching videos and still not have viewed everything there. I really liked Library Manifesto and Web 2.0. Introducing the book was fun!

I found a video that shows how San Jose State's Library and Information division is using Second Life as a learning tool for their distance learning students. I picked this one because it is incredible to think that something that is so similar to online games is now being used for eductional purposes. I think students would absolutely love this type of learning environment!

Here is the URL

I am going to attempt to embed it in another blog.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Week 8, Thing #19

I like Library Thing alot! It is neat that the site is there simply to connect people with books and to connect people to other people who have read the same books! I also really liked the feature that allows you to check out local book things happening in your area. I added the latest books that I have read this summer. The one with the most people connections had 272 for Do Hard Things. The link is

Week 8, Thing #18

Zoho Writer is the bomb!!!! Wow! We don't really need Microsoft Office anymore. Plus it is all online and you can also work offline if needed. This would be great for collaboration assignments that require one product from a group. The share feature would allow all members of the group to access and edit, kind of like a wiki. I tried to post to my blog from Zoho, but I was unsuccessful. I'm sure it is just some small thing that needs to be done to make it work.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Week 7, Thing #17

I just left a post at the Region One Sandbox. I also visited the California Curriculum Connections wiki and checked out the link to "blogs and avatars" as well as "wikis". They had some great uses for both applications. I think it would great if I could get the teachers at my school to incorporate the use of blogs or wikis into their regular lesson plans. If each department developed just one lesson using these tools, imagine how awesome that would be! The students could have some FUN, just like all of us who are doing this workshop!

Week 7, Thing 16

In my perusing of the listed wikis, I came across a couple books of interest: Book Lust and Flushed: How the Plumber Saved Civilization that I want to add to my list of books to read. I can see that there are many different ways to use a wiki. I really liked the Book Lovers wiki. I had done a workshop a year or more ago on wikis and had wanted to pursue creating one for my library for the students to write reviews, but alas, the tech dept. did not allow wikis at that time. This has renewed my fire, so I am going to discuss it with them to see what we can do.

By the way the "library instruction" link gives the following message: "Link appears to be broken".

Monday, August 3, 2009

Week 6, Thing 15

The article "Icebergs" makes a few very good points. It is very difficult to justify purchasing "just in case" print materials with the limited budgets we have, when the same information in many cases is now readily available on the web, which is now the preferred mode to access information. His second point is that if our services can't be used without training, then it is the services that need fixed, not the patrons. With all of the user friendly 2.0 tools out there now our patrons are used to being able to just go and do without having some sort of tutorial. We need to be keenly aware of this and strive to make our services easier to use. Finally, he comments on the "come to us" model of library service as being outdated. He is quite right. More and more things can be accomplished and are made available on the web with each passing day, so we need to do whatever we can to keep up with that trend.

Week 6, Thing 14

Maybe it is just me, but I found Technorati to be overkill; there is so much there that I found myself overwhelmed just navigating the site! I also did not find any type of tutorial on how to use the site.
As for the use of tags of course there are pros and cons. The biggest pro is probably also the biggest con. The creation of tags by any users is a great thing for that user and possibly others who are like minded;however, it could be a problem for those not like minded because what one user decides to use as a tag may lead another user to a site that he has no interest in because the tag made him believe that he would find sites that deal with whatever he associates the tag with.

Week 6, thing #13

Delicious is a very usable tool. What a great idea to be able to access all your favorite sites from any computer! The whole idea of allowing each user to add tags is excellent. That way there is a greater chance that other users will come across the information.

I can see the value for students doing research. They would be able to tag the sites with their own terms, which would make it easier for them. Plus, once again, they could access them from their home/public library computer without having to write them down to remember them.

It's another good tool for librarians to keep up on the latest and greatest. You can easily see which sites are getting the most activity, which probable coincides with the importance.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Avatar update

I tried again to get the avatar to copy into the correct spot on my blog, but I keep getting the same result, so I downloaded it from the Yahoo site and posted it here by using the add image feature.

Week 5, Thing #12

I rolled my own search called RGV News, but I did not see any address to link to it. I can go to the main site and search Rio Grande Valley, and my search engine will pop up with my username on it. I can go to my dashboard and it shows it under "Search Engines you created". Where was I supposed to be able to view the URL?

By the way when I clicked on the Free Photos link it took me to this message:

The link you came here on appears to be from a 'link spammer' trying to promote their site through Rollyo. These links are a nuisance to the community, a nuisance to our site, and ultimately not very nice. If you think you are getting this page in error, drop us a line and we'll try to get to the bottom of it.
Please note: When this spamming and related searching is deemed to be illegal, Rollyo will not hesitate to disclose information to authorities, including but not limited to the FBI and Interpol, if we have a good faith belief that such disclosure is necessary to enforce or apply our policies or to protect the rights, property, or personal safety of Rollyo, our users, our employees, or the public. Please see our privacy policy for more information on the limited circumstances under which we may disclose your personal information.

Week 5, Thing #11

The award winning 2.o site that I found is It is a site where you can find books that are out of print. The first search I did was for R.L. Stine. I was able to find 3 of his Fear Street series that I have been unable to get from the Approved Vendors that we use at our District. The are listed at only $1.00/book! This would be a great site for replacing books that get damaged or lost and are no longer available from our vendors! The only negatives are that they only take credit cards, so we would have to pay for them out of our own pocket (although the price is right), and the majority of the books are paperback instead of hard cover.

Week 5, Thing #10

I really like! I used it to upload this photo of our cat. Like most cats he believes he is the King of the house, so this fits him purrfectly! I could spend many hours creating things on this site.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Week 4, Thing #9

My favorite RSS search tool is Syndic8 because it tells you the status of the site, either "Awaiting Repair" or "Syndicating". Very helpful, so you don't waste your time going to one that is not currently working. I thought it was interesting that there is a huge difference is results depending on your search term; for example, I searched "library" and got 814 hits, but only 85 hits when I typed in "libraries". One of the blogs I found with Syndic8 was "Libraryman". It is a very modern, trendy site for librarians. It is very interactice, requesting viewers to send in photos for projects that are currently being worked on.

Week 4, Thing #8

Setting up the RSS feeds was easy. This is a really neat tool. I can see myself using it for school by signing up to sites that provide book reviews and library information. I can see using it for my personal use because I have friends that have blogs. It will be nice to just go to my bloglines account to check if they have any new posts! :>)

Friday, July 24, 2009

Week 3, Thing #7

I have followed with much interest the release of the Kindle, which is basically an electronic device that allows you to download e-books. I do not plan to purchase one for myself. While I can understand the benefits of having several books accessible in one device, I do not ever see myself using it. I still prefer to read books the way I have always known them. This may;however, be something that catches on with the new generation.

Week 3, Thing #6

I found the jigsaw puzzle maker mashup. I uploaded one of my own photos of a beautiful sunrise here in the Valley. I chose this one because our first computer, which was a macintosh had this feature on it, and we used to use it with our boys when they were just 2 or 3 years old, so it brought back great memories!

2010 Chevy Camaro RS

2010 Chevy Camaro RS, originally uploaded by Taking Shots.

I chose this photo because my 15 year old, who will be getting his license soon, is enamored by this car. Plus, if you look close you will see a reflection on the driver's door which is really cool!

Week 3, Thing #5

Oops! I did not realize that Flickr was going to create the post automatically for the photo of the Camaro, so it does not have the title on it for Week 3, Thing #5.

Week 2, Thing #4

I registered my blog on July 23rd, so I am official! I still haven't been able to get my Avatar to show up. If any of you have the answer, it will be greatly appreciated!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Week 2 Thing #3 Blog and Avatar

The blog was very easy to create. The Avatar was also an easy task; however, I have been unable to export the avatar successfully. On the spot where it should be there is a box with a small X.

Thing #2 7 1/2 Habits

I believe the easiest habit for me is #1 "To begin with the end in mind". I am good about knowing what I want for the end result. The hardest habit for me is #3 "View problems as challenges". I tend to view problems as things that are messing up my plans/schedule rather than opportunities for growth.
